Parent Engagement

Parent Participation Plan (PPP)

St Augustine’s College P&F Association has a Parent Participation Plan (PPP) which has four important purposes:​
  1. To acknowledge the invaluable contribution that parents make to the quality of education offered at St Augustine’s College (We would have to charge substantially higher fees if we did not receive the enormous support of parents working in a voluntary capacity at the College).
  2. To establish a fair and equitable distribution of labour so that the many necessary tasks performed by parents are not left to “the same old few”.
  3. To be better organised to make effective use of our parent assistance, and
  4. To promote a stronger sense of community among our parents by working together for the benefit of the children enrolled at St. Augustine’s College.
A key feature of our PPP is the range of options offered to families, as we understand families are different and have many other competing commitments. The aim is for no family to feel they are unable to contribute to the life of the College. There is an expectation that all families provide 15 hours service to the College annually. Each family receives a PPP information package early in the school year with the expectation that a service will be selected and the form returned to the College. Parents will then be contacted at a later date by individual coordinators regarding specific tasks. PPP Documents are also available on the Parent Portal.