College Life


© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Augustine’s College (2020) 

Since opening in January 2003, St Augustine's College has continued to provide inclusive, high-​quality Catholic education for Prep-Year 12 students.

Located in Augustine Heights, in the rapidly growing Greater Springfield area, St Augustine's College has grown in stature and reputation, having created a strong educational community with four precincts on one campus. Founded in the Augustinian tradition with core values of Unitas (unity), Caritas (Love) and Veritas (Truth); our community places high priority on Learning and Teaching. 

St Augustine's College is an early adopter of the new Australian Curriculum, having a comprehensive ICLT plan, with a 1:1 Device program in place for all students from Years 7-12. St Augustine's College offers multiple pathways and support for students, with a range of academic and cocurricular opportunities, on-campus training and a highly successful work experience program. 

In addition, our contemporary Catholic community is a unique environment to shape hearts and minds into contributing members of society, with our Religious Life program offering social justice and holistic experiences, led by staff who have a genuine interest in the development of young people.​ Our students' wellbeing and relationships with families are of great importance; as families can have all children on one campus, lifelong connections and partnerships are made with the local community.​

For more detailed information and everything you need to know about St Augustine's College, you can visit us for a Twilight Tour, follow our social media pages or please view the Parent Handbook below:​​​

2025 Parent Handbook.pdf​​