
Are you looking to join the St Augustine's College community? 
Begin your learning journey with a contemporary P-12 College that offers high-quality and inclusive co-education. 

Please refer to the Key Dates below before submitting an​ enrolment application to ensure the year of enrolment you are seeking is currently open.​

Key Dates​

Prep to Year 12 applications may be lodged up to 2 years prior to the year of enrolment.

​Enrolments for 2025​

Subject to availability*

Applications for 2026

Applications for 2026
Year 7


Applications for 2027
OPEN - closes Tuesday 17 March 2026 - APPLY HERE 
Please refer to the enrolment process below.

Applications for 2027
Year 7
OPEN​ -  Second Round closes Tuesday 17 March 2026 - APPLY HERE​ 
Please refer to the enrolment process below.

​*Please contact Student Registrar Sue-Ellen Peace: speace@bne.catholic.edu.au​

Enrolment Process

Step 1: 

Complete an Enrolment Application Form

You will receive an email from the College within 48 hours, acknowledging receipt of application. If applying for enrolment of more than one student, when the form is completed an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.​

Step 2:

Make payment of the Enrolment Application Fee​ (non-refundable processing fee).

Step 3: 

Forward the following documents to the College Office: 

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
  • Last semester school report and NAPLAN report (as applicable)
  • Any medical or specialist learning reports

If noted in your application: 

  • Legal Documentation

  • Medical Action Plan

  • Student Specialist Assessments

  • Passport and Visa

  • Australian Citizenship (if born overseas)

  • Receipt of payment of the non-refundable $100.00 Enrolment Application Processing Fee.

Documentation may be submitted via:

Email: enrolmentstac@bne.catholic.edu.au

Post: Attn: Enrolments, St Augustine's College, PO Box 4047, SPRINGFIELD 4300

In person: St Augustine's College, St Augustine's Drive, Augustine Heights

​Step 4: 

Once we have received all documentation, and should there be a vacancy, you will receive an email inviting you and your child to attend an Enrolment Interview with a member of our Senior Leadership Team. Applications are not finalised until all necessary documentation and payments have been received. It is important that your child/ren who are enrolling attend this interview. Applications are processed in accordance with our ​​Enrolment Policy.


Step 5:  

Acceptance of Enrolment letters will be sent to successful parents along with a Confirmation of Enrolment.​

Should you have any queries about the enrolment process or the status of your application, please contact our friendly Student Registrar, Mrs Sue-Ellen Peace: speace@bne.catholic.edu.au

We hope to welcome you to our wonderful community!

Additional Documents: 


Student Diversity and Inclusion Policy

More policies available via​ the BCE Policies t​ab.