Neville is an active emotional support dog and a valued member of our college community. It is important that we always uphold Nev’s health and safety with the following tips:
1. Nev is to be on a leash during school hours at outdoor campus events (e.g. cross country, athletics carnivals) with his fluro vest on.
2. Ensure clean, fresh water is always accessible.
3. Please ensure you do not feed Nev. Some foods are harmful to dogs, please refrain from feeding Nev unapproved treats.
4. If there is extreme weather (storms, high temperatures), please ensure Nev is housed in a safe, cool and dry area and not left alone. (e.g. Do not walk Nev on hot concrete during summer or close him in a room alone)
5. Please ensure you always have doggy waste bags and pick up after Nev immediately. Ensure Nev has easy access to outdoor areas to relieve himself and handlers are aware of signs that Nev may need to go (e.g. pacing, standing at the door, whimpering)
6. If another animal is on the campus grounds, do not assume they are friendly. Remove Nev from the area immediately to ensure his and your safety.
Download the Emotional Support Dog - Safety & Wellbeing Guide.pdf
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Augustine’s College (2023)